What are the latest trends regarding the involvement of third-party capital investors in medically based fitness centers? How can these fitness centers assist hospitals to further their mission initiatives while preserving cash flow for inpatient facility growth and expansion?
These questions and others will be answered when Jarrod Daddis, Managing Director/Development of NexCore Group makes his presentation at the Medical Fitness Association’s 12th annual conference, entitled “Medical Fitness Highway: Steering in New Directions.”
“We’re excited to have Jarrod Daddis from NexCore as one of our presenters,” says Cary Wing, Executive Director, Medical Fitness Association. “His expertise will be of great interest to the conference participants.”
The conference will be held from Tuesday, Nov. 14, to Friday, Nov. 17, 2006, at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas.
Mr. Daddis will speak on “Third Party Capital Investment,” Tuesday, Nov. 14, from 2 to 3 p.m. as part of a three-hour Pre-Conference Workshop.
About Medical Fitness Association
Founded in 1991, the Medical Fitness Association (MFA) is headquartered in Richmond, Va. They are a nonprofit organization dedicated to medically based fitness and wellness facilities. MFA is a professional membership association whose mission is to ascertain and respond to the needs of centers that are owned, sponsored or operated by hospitals and physician groups throughout the world. The Medical Fitness Association is an affiliate of the American Hospital Association.